Impact from 2020 Gala

Each year, the Foundation plans and hosts a signature event for the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Historically, this event has been the primary source of annual fundraising for the Foundation and has allowed us to raise millions to support Catholic education tuition assistance programs. During the planning stages of the 2020 Gala, Bishop Parkes asked the Board to consider expanding the potential beneficiaries of our Gala fundraising to include the goals of our diocesan mission, Courageously Living the Gospel. The Board enthusiastically accepted.
The 2020 Gala raised $455,530 from event sponsorships and direct donations from participants. Because the event is funded by these sources, the net proceeds totaling $314,000 was divided into two grants: $200,000 to support families seeing tuition assistance for our Catholic schools through the CSTAG program run through the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools, and $100,000 to future youth and young adult initiatives for our diocese.