Offering Thanks to Those Who Give So Much

Our diocesan ministries, education and outreach programs offer support, professional guidance, and direct delivery of services to and for our people, parishes, schools and communities. They do this while maintaining a very tight annual budget which relies on specific revenue sources, including interest earnings, donations and grants, bequests, parish assessment payments and direct donations to the Catholic Ministry Appeal. In fact, almost 70% of our ministry budget comes from 22,000 personal gifts from Catholics who keep Christ at the center of their lives, answering God’s call to reach out through the good works of the Church. And, those that serve in ministry know that without the support of our generous Catholics within the five counties we serve, none of the programs, services and outreach we offer would be possible.
“Accepting responsibility for our use of donations is no small task,” explained Bishop Gregory Parkes in his introductory note. “It is important to me to offer thanks to those who give so much to make our mission possible and provide an accounting of how gifts are being used to bring others to Christ.”
The report provides a close up view of the diocesan budget funding model and financial reporting. Two donors are featured, and in addition, highlights and impact numbers are offered for Catholic Schools, the Transformational Parish Growth Summit, Spirit FM 90.5 and our Mater Dei Giving Society. Click here to view the online version of the 2022 Annual Report, download a print version and learn more about how the Diocese of St. Petersburg is Courageously Living the Gospel.